About Us
Security Guard and Event Security in Arizona
For more than 30 years A-Team Security & Event Services Inc. has built a strong reputation in the Southwest by providing exemplary service and experienced personnel to the sports and entertainment industry.
While serving some of the most prestigious facilities and events in the Southwest, A-Team Security & Event Services, Inc has had the opportunity to forge lasting relationships with in the communities we serve and observe first hand the trends of our audiences.
This experience has allowed us to develop a unique and innovative style of staffing by incorporating customer enthusiasm with first class security. This powerful combination is the corner stone of A-Team Security and Event Services.

A-Team Security & Event Services has been designed to meet the continuing challenges and demands of the sports and entertainment industry. Our services will exceed the expectations of our clients. We will provide first class security with our personal touch of customer enthusiasm. We recognize service superiority is an on-going process and we will continue to meet the security needs of any event on any occasion.
Our Clients expect the best…That’s why we hire the best!
A-Team Security & Event Services has provided the sports and entertainment industries with friendly and highly trained professionals for over 20 years. We are always looking for qualified applicants.